Monday, June 29, 2009

A Short Updatette

I've spent the last week in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa and am getting ready to head back to the farm tomorrow afternoon. This week was spent with Josh and Jamie, an American couple and their family, who have been living here for four years as Josh builds relationships with a team of local boys he coaches in soccer.
Sunday morning was spent on the soccer field with a few of Josh's boys where they have been meeting the last few weeks for church. The boys are eager to learn and ask questions and it was great watching them interact with Adam's questions, and slowly open up over the hour we spent with them.
A few of the days here were spent visiting two J-Life teams in Durban, just an hour away. We were able to spend time with them getting familiar with their work and encouraging them as they started their VBS programs today.
This weekend will begin the training for STEM (short term Equipping missions). There will be two groups: the first group will be trained this weekend and then sent out as the second group comes to be trained next week. Adam and I will then be leading one of the teams from the 2nd STEM group out for their practical application for 7 days.
Time is short and internet is limited. Please keep STEM in your prayers. Good and encouraging things are happening on a lot of different fronts down here :-)

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